23 Mobile Spotlight on Instagram!

icon_23_100px1This week the CMLE office shines the 23 Mobile Thing spotlight on Sharing Photos, Thing 10.

CMLE Board member and Sauk Rapids Media Specialist Maria Burnham expressed her love for Instagram. “I love, love, love Instagram,” she said. On her post, she demonstrated how Instagram can be used easily and quickly at any moment. While on a student walk, she just held her camera in the air and took a picture. By applying a filter to the picture, she was truly able to capture the mood. “Everyone’s a professional photographer with Instagram!”

Many other libraries and schools are starting to use Instagram in their programs and classes. We at CMLE found this great post with 9 Interesting Ways to Use Instagram for Your Library. Or, how about Five Ways Universities are using Instagram?

How are you sharing photos at your library or school?

For other great photo sharing ideas, or for any of the Things, check out the other CMLE participant’s blogs from this page: http://23mobilethingsmn.org/cmle/

For those that are in the program, we encourage you to continue blogging, tweeting, and posting about your experiences. If you’re struggling for motivation, feel free to skip around. Find that mobile thing that motivates you. Remember the end date to complete all 23 Mobile Things is June 15th. If learning more about mobile devices isn’t enough, we remind you that registered Minnesota participants are eligible for prizes! Keep up the great work and make sure to collect your badges.

Tip: See what people are saying on Twitter about 23 Mobile Things by following the hashtag #23ThingsMN  and join the conversation!


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