Tag Archives: holiday

New holiday songs to enjoy

Holiday Bokeh
Happy holiday music!

Are you starting to get sick of the same old holiday songs? Well, good news! This year you have two brand-new options to enjoy!

This article from NPR shares how the University of Toronto’s Computer Science Department has taught a computer (using an algorithm) how to write sing along music! They call it “neural karaoke.”

Check out the video here:

And here is an awesome re-make of the classic “Baby It’s Cold Outside” that has changed lyrics to make it a little less creepy and more about consent. This article does a great job of explaining the song in its historical context, too.

Take a listen here:


CMLE’s web redesign week is Dec. 14th – 20th, stop in and say hello!

Snowmen and Sound of Music candles at CMLE HQ!

Here at CMLE Headquarters, we have eagerly been awaiting the chance to dive in and make some changes and improvements to our website. Mid-December would be the perfect time to do that! During the week of Dec. 14th – 20th, we will be here at HQ devoting our focus to website redesign. We are sharing this information with you in case you have some suggestions for the updated website! Is there anything you’d like to see more of, certain features that would make the site more accessible, or templates that you find especially useful? Let us know! Email us or feel free to stop in during our week of web redesign.

holiday-3Since we love the holiday season, if you do stop in, we will show you around our decorated space and share some yummy treats – maybe even some hot chocolate! You can feel free to chat with us about libraries, websites, or your holiday plans.

holiday-2Hope to see you then!

Thanksgiving at CMLE!

thanksgiving-3 As you may be starting to appreciate, we like to be festive at CMLE Headquarters. Since Thanksgiving is soon approaching, we decided it was time to hang up the turkeys! (We have decorative turkeys on streamers floating from the ceiling. There’s no good way to photograph them, so stop by or use your imagination!)


We just wanted to share our decorations with you, and perhaps you have some festive November or Thanksgiving themed decorating going on at your library or media center? Send us a picture! For more glimpses of our exciting office happenings (often including Orville the Bear and the Office Plant team) follow us on Instagram.


Celebrate Halloween at CMLE Headquarters!

Halloween at CMLE!

At CMLE, we love holidays! We have decorated our office and are excited to celebrate Halloween.

20161005_120613If you are in the area on Monday, October 31st, stop by CMLE Headquarters located at 570 1st St. SE in St. Cloud, MN.

We would love to show you around our space, chat about books, libraries, and other fun topics, and of course, share some sweet treats!

Costumes welcome! Hope to see you then!