Tag Archives: paperback

Study says keep your picture books!

A Little Casual ReadingFor quite some time we have been hearing that reluctant readers are often encouraged to read when the book is loaded on a device. Why? Because theĀ  “thickness” of the book is disguised, and the reader can enlarge the print if that makes reading more comfortable. It also removes any possible stigma if you are say a sixth grader, reading a fourth grade level book. No one knows exactly what is being read except the reader, which makes perfect sense. As librarians, we want to do everything possible to encourage nonreaders and remove discouragement for struggling readers. The format can be secondary when reluctant readers are involved.

But, what about picture books at the elementary level? How important are the pictures in conjunction with the text? I must admit, I never thought about picture books.

Two-thirds of schools across America are using eBooks, according to School Library Journal, but their use in England is much more sporadic. This produced an opportunity for a handy research study where 800 students in 40 schools used eBooks and shared their feelings. Would you be surprised to learn that boys responded most positively to eBooks? Click here to read the full piece.

Here in CMLE land, we have at least 180 elementary schools. Use the comments to weigh in as to whether your school uses eBooks, and whether you use them for picture books too. Ready, set, go…

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/pejajg3, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0